Friday 15 June 2012

Mandatory Applications for Linux

Linux is an operating system that was originally reserved only for the server, starting from the time of development, Linux has been equipped with various facilities GUI, which can be used by anyone, and can be used as an entertainment medium, and can complete a variety of jobs such as graphic design, office work, and can be used by all people, children, adults, and parents, Linux is also equipped with facilities for enabling people who have disabilities (disability) to be able to use computers with ease.Actually there are more applications we can use to do a lot of work in Linux, but here I will just give you an application for Linux which is a common and widely used by its user, the application is comprised of many categories, please refer to the applications below :

Open Office, this application is usually already included in some popular distributions like Ubuntu, Mint, and Debian.
Libre Office, in addition to Open Office, so many Office Applications, is licensed under GNU / GPL, including the Libre Office, LibreOffice initially in launching the Linux distro Ubuntu 11.04, Libre Office offers the convenience, speed, and job security, which is certainly not inferior to Open Office.
Audacious, is a multimedia application that is similar to the Winamp player, music player Audacious is the application which is very light and easy, we can play video files such as *. Flv, *. Mov, *. Mpg, and many extension files video that can be played easily on Audacious.
Gnome-Mplayer, is an application licensed under GNU / GPL which serves as a video player, gnome mplayer can play various types of video file extension, gnome-mplayer can we integrate these files with a title *. Srt so that we can play the video by using the title * . srt, gnome-mplayer designs are designed with this simple interface is a gnome-mplayer to be interesting, and easy to use and understand.
Brasero is an application designed based Disc Burner Free, which is designed for users Gnome DE, with a friendly interface design, users can use the common linux distro brasero easily and comfortably.
Cheese, is the application of GNU / Linux is used to facilitate all of that, with the use of an easy and simple, Cheese also comes with some effects that have been provided.
Mobile Media Converter is a converter application-based GNU / Linux is capable mengconverter multimedia files such as MP3, 3GP, WAV, MPEG, AVI, WMV, FLV, AMR, into a file extension in accordance with what we want.
Google Chrome browser is a browser that is known is light and fast access to information, which is created by Google company, created and designed for multiplatform operating system, therefore it can run on linux distros.
X-Chat IRC chat client is the application of IRC (Internet Relay Chat), works that we are connected and can communicate with anyone, anytime.
Gwget is a Download manager application, designed with a GUI interface, so much easier for users to use it, gwget serves as manager of the files that we download to be completed quickly and download the file you downloaded is not damaged, the primacy of the download manager is, in order to speed up access and efficient downloading the file, Gwget is the GUI version of wget that previously could only be designed to type and download the file via the terminal.
 Gimp Image Editor is an application-based GNU / GPL, which is used to edit images and manipulate an object form an image, similar to adobe photoshop, gimp bebragai familiar format type image format, such as gimp can open the file *. Psd as we know it can only be opened through adobe photoshop, gimp is designed with emphasis on ease, speed and safety, so that the user, easy and fast to get used to using gimp. gimp is designed with a friendly interface. where there is a menu that allows us to simplify our expressions revealed through the image we will edit with gimp.
Inkscape is a GNU-based Distance Vector applications are designed to facilitate the user to create sketches, paintings, and drawings with ease. inkscape to provide a user friendly interfaces making it easy to understand, and be used by anyone. inkscape advantages is that it can read many file extension, extension example SVG, inkscape can open multiple image files into many workscape, in addition to the relatively small memory usage.
Blender is a 3D graphics software-based GNU / GPL, Blender is a product of the GNU / GPL known for frequently used to make animated films, visual effects, interactive 3D applications and games.
Compiz is a visual effects application that offers a wide range of effects of 2-dimensional or three dimensional, ease of configuration of compiz is a matter of priority of making this application, so users can easily manage a variety of effects are provided in Compiz, compiz licensed under GNU / GPL so that anyone can use it.
Cairo-Dock is a docking application as a shortcut to a particular application on the desktop and also to enhance your desktop, Cairo-Dock licensed under GNU / GPL. Cairo-Dock has a lot of animation effects that vary so much in demand by the user.Hopefully some of the above applications can deliver more for your breadth of Linux users in working with Linux.

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